Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What pi sounds like and Where I've been

HAPPY Pi DAY! NERRRDS! I'm going to start posting more shit on here that I usually post on Facebook. Only because I'm tired of not getting credit for finding shit on the net. Or having people say that they never saw it posted to their wall when in fact I know very well that I have.

My job I get the glorious task to sit in front of a computer anywhere from 8-10 hours a day 7 days a week. I have grown accustomed to the daily grind where I can maneuver anywhere between 10 different prompts at the same time at any given moment throughout my shift. Usually opening various rss feeds to blogs, websites, forums where I can scourge the internet for interesting data. Here it will be date stamp so future arguments will be invalid because I know I was right.

never again will I have the mundane conversations of:


"YEAH! I posted that months ago."

"No you haven't "


  Besides that, I have completed the 365 project and I have taken a break from video vlogs. It has been longer than expected because I wanted to spend more time with organizing my notes and ideas in a more concise fashion for The Elvis and Alfred Show. Hopefully with more research I will start moving the show to a new format. We were pioneers once about a year ago, once I tried incorporating the live video feed, but since then most podcast I have been listening too already started to follow the trend while we fell by the way side. I'm bringing it back regardless if Elvis doesn't understand the importance being ahead of the curve.

  So yeah, that was basically the winter for me. I'm going to start again with my videos, it would be stupid at this point to not make a regular scheduled video. I decided to start doing another YouTube channel for my iPhone. There I'm going to do daily videos of just mini vlogs of one takes. That will be everyday but my main channel will most likely be more edited and more planned for content. I'm going to keep the integrity of being my daily life just with more production value.

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