Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Hunger Battle Royale Games!

I just finished watching, "Hunger Games". Now I don't like giving reviews on movies because I'm not much of a critic you should trust their opinion. Yeah I watch a shit ton of movies, Yeah I own over 400 dvds. When it comes down to it. I just really enjoy a good story.

So the Hunger Games......There's this dude.

Yep. That's the guy from, 'American Beauty'. He should of got "The most beautiful thing he has ever filmed" and cover his fucking head with it to hide that ridiculous beard.

This a screen shot of Lenny Kravitz playing... Lenny Kravitz? This guy couldn't act his way out of Seneca's most beautiful thing he has ever filmed. His part was to be a stylist for the tributes as they were to be presented to the new pastel wearing evil empire. I pretty much said to myself  "HEY! It's Lenny Kravitz!" every time he was on screen....Yeah thats that.

The story began with the intro stating that after a great war, the victors now request from 12 different enslavement camps  that two children (one boy and one girl) from the ages of 12-17 be picked by lottery to participate in The Running Man  The Hunger Games. A survival tournament where its also televised for the new empire entertainment.  The participants are called Tributes and trained in the art of survival war games....Survival war games?....Children? Where have I seen this before? hmmmmmm?


Which by the way is a far better movie than Woody Harelson's wig  The Hunger Games.
Save your money and wait until its on cable. 

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