Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Haven't been here in awhile. Is there anybody out there? ( Myspace Blog)

I posted this on my Myspace page, felt like posting it on here. Yes..I still have a Myspace account and sometimes I actually post on there.

Haven't been here in awhile. Is there anybody out there?

Its funny to come back here and to see a part of me that i almost forgot. Fucking Myspace. I remember this being THE social networking community. I was about 21-23 years old when i first started being on here because of Elvis wanted to promote our band. At the time it really was a Space to pimp out your band and communicate with other musicians through their bands profile. People who liked the band would also create a profile and share them with their friends. Simple and practical place in the net. At the time Facebook was only opened to invites through colleges and was definitely not the way it is today with invitations to someones online "mafia" family or the self gratuitousness arrogant status updates. Friendster was still a major player in the game as well. But i was never on there, cause i felt like Myspace was enough as well as Handling only a few online forums and a Hotmail account. Now i have a blog, a vlog, twitter, Facebook, YouTube, several email accounts for personal business, work, family, dozen other online forums, podcast, Flickr, pod-bean, fuck it to hell i'm all over the god damn net now!

Its funny coming back here and trying to remember the person i was back then. How trivial things were and how I blew them out of proportion, and how certain small moments I took for granted then, and the guilt i feel now because I cherish those moments most of all.

I don't even know why I stopped over here in the first place, I guess i just wanted to see if i had an account still. I know this is a dead space where I can just type and not care who reads this anymore. Not like my other blogs and other online activities i participate where i only want a certain audience to see/read me. ....I shouldn't be that way. I should just be honest with myself, i mean i already put up my life on YouTube for all to see what i have been up to for the year 2011. I remember putting up blogs here not caring what people thought. I just felt like I had a story to tell.

So, Hello old friend, thanks for giving me an outlet then and i guess even now. I'm glad you didn't de-activate my account. I'm glad were still friends, Myspace. I'll stop by every now and again.

1/06/12 Alfred Has A Sick day...Again!

1/05/12 Alfred Plays Tetris

Friday, January 6, 2012

1/3/12- Alfred is STILL sick, Lazy Vlogs

1/2/12- Alfred is Sick

Photo a Day Challenge #2- Breakfast

Photo a Day Challenge #2- Breakfast

I work nights, and the earliest time I usually have breakfast is late in the afternoon. Sometimes I don't have enough time to get something before i get into to work so I keep a huge bundle of Cup-O-Noodles in my car. Breakfast of champions!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

January 1st, 2012 A New Year!

Photo Challenge #1- Me

So I stole this from my friend Tom Tappit. I'm down to a new challenge and hoping this will sharpen my Photo Skills.

So #1- A Picture of me

Here is me! 
It is a new year and I am happy to report that I have successfully completed my Project 365. I recorded something about me everyday for the year 2011. It has opened my eyes as well as my mind to allot of things. Stuff I never really realized about myself. I used to be so afraid of the camera, people taking pictures of  me, seeing myself in other people videos. I was just uncomfortable with it. 

In the beginning of the project I didn't even address the camera until day #30. After awhile of editing and seeing myself everyday through my videos, I just got so used to seeing myself in pictures and my own videos those feelings just went away. Then I just started seeing myself  as a separate character in my own life.
It's all very meta...Or sociopathical....maybe  both. 

So, now I can say i'm somewhat more comfortable in my own shoes. Or watching myself wear shoes rather.