Monday, October 27, 2008

 This is my friend George. A whole bunch of us went out into Manhattan a couple of weeks ago for my brothers Birthday.

I don't even remember taking this picture.

From the goofy smile on his face, i can say fun was had by all.

 The trees farted out all thier leaves last night all over my driveway today. Thanks.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Blogged Out

Geez! i guess from my previous post i wasn't in the greatest moods coming home from the Pub.
I didn't even realized that i published that post until i signed on to Blog spot today.

Drunk Blogging? Then a total blackout of the whole process?

A Blog-Out?

Weird.....I wonder if Hunter S. Thompson ever did that? 
He must of, the man drank Chivas Regal by the gallons.

The part where i wrote that i wanted to build a fire in my backyard and then to fall asleep sounds nice though. Thank God i didn't do it that night. Most likely it would turn into a bad idea real quick.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I just got back from a whiskey rampage at a local pub. Nothing but Hip-Hop music was playing. I fucking hate all Hip-Hop music nowadays. My friend Elvis was there at least giving me some comic relief between songs while i drink. 

I feel nothing.

I don't care, i don't have the fire, the ambition to to go on anymore with the outside world.

I want to be left alone. 

I just want to build a fire in my backyard and fall asleep.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Goodbye Allerigies, Hello Octobercrack.

The Fall is upon us, and i am loving everything about it. I was never one to be called a "Summer" person on the account of my allergies owning my ass for the whole duration of the season. Zyrtec, Allegra, and some supper steroid antihistamine horse pellets; basically puts me in a pharmaceutical haze this past Summer.

Found out i was allergic to Soy and I'm the only Asian i know that is  allergic to fucking Soy Sauce.


The Fall is definitely my favorite time of year, it is about 40 degrees out today (so says the weather widget on my new computer) and i am declaring today the fist day of Jacket weather. I can finally sleep comfortably at night instead of sweating my balls off to sleep. Maybe next Summer i can afford to get central air as opposed to the ghetto central air i have now, where a oscillating fan goes from room to room. 

Another part of the fall i like best is Samuel Adams OCFUCKINGTOBERFEST!!! it is only available for two months, which is good because that would seriously be the bane of my alcoholism turning into a full time gig if it were available year round. I'm not kidding,  this stuff is liquid gold in my eyes (or liver, rather). I am convinced that Jim Koch sneaks a little bit of crack with every batch to make it that special.

A cold pint of of the Octobercrack and a double shot of jack awaits me tonight after work. I can already hear it calling my name.