My Life in Videos, Pictures, or whatever I see fit. I successfully completed a Project 365 a video everyday for the year 2011. I still make videos and I post them on here. Lately I've been posting random shit I find on the web with some commentary in between.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!!
I hate working the Holidays. This is what my Thanksgiving dinner was tonight. If you think thats impressive, just wait and see what kind of spread i put out when Christmas comes along!!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Election day YEARGHH!!

These comic books helped base my decision to which candidate i would vote for this
I couldn't sleep when i got home from work today, so i just made a sandwich and just waited till 6am to go out and vote.
At the Elementary School where the polls took place was already crowded with people. They still use the same Voting machines that they had since the early 80's. I trust those more so that the new ones they have elsewhere. Ever since i saw "Hacking Democracy" on HBO it made me paranoid to use those fuckers.
On the list where you sign in,
They had the exact copy of my signature i did when i signed the registration back when i was 18. Back Then, at the end of my signature i put a little smiley face.
Every time i go out to vote i always point it out to the people who work there and we all share a giggle.
This election though, i drew a little smiley face from "Transmetropolitan" at the end of my

That's all for now, i just wanted to write that down before i go to sleep.
I'll post more later.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Blogged Out
Geez! i guess from my previous post i wasn't in the greatest moods coming home from the Pub.
I didn't even realized that i published that post until i signed on to Blog spot today.
Drunk Blogging? Then a total blackout of the whole process?
A Blog-Out?
Weird.....I wonder if Hunter S. Thompson ever did that?
He must of, the man drank Chivas Regal by the gallons.
The part where i wrote that i wanted to build a fire in my backyard and then to fall asleep sounds nice though. Thank God i didn't do it that night. Most likely it would turn into a bad idea real quick.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
I just got back from a whiskey rampage at a local pub. Nothing but Hip-Hop music was playing. I fucking hate all Hip-Hop music nowadays. My friend Elvis was there at least giving me some comic relief between songs while i drink.
I feel nothing.
I don't care, i don't have the fire, the ambition to to go on anymore with the outside world.
I want to be left alone.
I just want to build a fire in my backyard and fall asleep.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Goodbye Allerigies, Hello Octobercrack.
The Fall is upon us, and i am loving everything about it. I was never one to be called a "Summer" person on the account of my allergies owning my ass for the whole duration of the season. Zyrtec, Allegra, and some supper steroid antihistamine horse pellets; basically puts me in a pharmaceutical haze this past Summer.
Found out i was allergic to Soy and I'm the only Asian i know that is allergic to fucking Soy Sauce.
The Fall is definitely my favorite time of year, it is about 40 degrees out today (so says the weather widget on my new computer) and i am declaring today the fist day of Jacket weather. I can finally sleep comfortably at night instead of sweating my balls off to sleep. Maybe next Summer i can afford to get central air as opposed to the ghetto central air i have now, where a oscillating fan goes from room to room.
Another part of the fall i like best is Samuel Adams OCFUCKINGTOBERFEST!!! it is only available for two months, which is good because that would seriously be the bane of my alcoholism turning into a full time gig if it were available year round. I'm not kidding, this stuff is liquid gold in my eyes (or liver, rather). I am convinced that Jim Koch sneaks a little bit of crack with every batch to make it that special.
A cold pint of of the Octobercrack and a double shot of jack awaits me tonight after work. I can already hear it calling my name.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Summer comes to a close
Today is September 10.2008. Summer is almost over. Well, in my own opinion its already over but the rest of the world as well as Mommy Earth Bitch say sometime in late October. or maybe not that late, i 'm drunk as a motherfucker right now and feel like typing, so i don't know what I'm talking/typing about.
.....where am i going with this?....
Well, anyways.
Summer is over and i just read about my new years resolutions i posted awhile back.
I did get a new car, which i am fucking loving it. SOOOOOOOOOOOO many years i had driven a Nissan P.O.S, that i still to this day i am trying to get over the insouciance's of my everyday driving. Like the way i used to drive without noticing how other drivers would look at me with this sort of look of disdain. I still feel like other people look at me at stop lights and whatnot and just laugh. but now, they look at me with sort of envy, it's a weird new feeling. I have to remind myself that people actually like the way my car looks, as oppose to the the WTF!?! IS THAT GUY DRIVING ? look.
That in itself changes allot for a guy around here.
Materialistic motherfuckers.
I am in the process of actually stopping smoking, because, the Doctors nowadays say its really bad for you. I kinda believe them too.
My friend Davidson is on his third week on the patch and he has some fucked up dreams. Can't really recall them now to the real details he was talking about, but the sheer fact of having vivid dreams like his is appealing enough for me to slap on those sticker fuckers on for awhile. I love to dream. Especially if i can see through the normal hazy shit dreams i have.
Sometimes i wake up in the morning and the only thing i have to look forward to; is when i can go to sleep again to dream anyways.
He gaurantees Mind Blowing dreams. I tried to tell him the dream i had about the old school mythical creatures that i met in the lower fouth demision, where they actually just berated me with advice. One was a lizard like horse with wings named "Rainbow" but i couldn't trust him on anything he would say, on the acoount of his name being.....well,"Rainbow".
Who Would?
He then tells me that he wants to figure out a way to record my dreams to his tivo. Which i belive would be more entertainig televison for all mankind if we could do that sort of thing with one another.
I'll write later, for now, i'm going to take a wild shit and go to bed.
.....where am i going with this?....
Well, anyways.
Summer is over and i just read about my new years resolutions i posted awhile back.
I did get a new car, which i am fucking loving it. SOOOOOOOOOOOO many years i had driven a Nissan P.O.S, that i still to this day i am trying to get over the insouciance's of my everyday driving. Like the way i used to drive without noticing how other drivers would look at me with this sort of look of disdain. I still feel like other people look at me at stop lights and whatnot and just laugh. but now, they look at me with sort of envy, it's a weird new feeling. I have to remind myself that people actually like the way my car looks, as oppose to the the WTF!?! IS THAT GUY DRIVING ? look.
That in itself changes allot for a guy around here.
Materialistic motherfuckers.
I am in the process of actually stopping smoking, because, the Doctors nowadays say its really bad for you. I kinda believe them too.
My friend Davidson is on his third week on the patch and he has some fucked up dreams. Can't really recall them now to the real details he was talking about, but the sheer fact of having vivid dreams like his is appealing enough for me to slap on those sticker fuckers on for awhile. I love to dream. Especially if i can see through the normal hazy shit dreams i have.
Sometimes i wake up in the morning and the only thing i have to look forward to; is when i can go to sleep again to dream anyways.
He gaurantees Mind Blowing dreams. I tried to tell him the dream i had about the old school mythical creatures that i met in the lower fouth demision, where they actually just berated me with advice. One was a lizard like horse with wings named "Rainbow" but i couldn't trust him on anything he would say, on the acoount of his name being.....well,"Rainbow".
Who Would?
He then tells me that he wants to figure out a way to record my dreams to his tivo. Which i belive would be more entertainig televison for all mankind if we could do that sort of thing with one another.
I'll write later, for now, i'm going to take a wild shit and go to bed.
Monday, June 9, 2008
UGHHHHH!!!!! Fuckin Cars!!!
There has been allot of changes happening all around me and i feel almost burden with the stress of it all. My car finally died a few weeks past, and i was forced to actually purchase a new one. I am happy about it, its just that i didn't think it was going to be so soon. I was saving money for the past year and half for a decent amount for the initial down payment. I was planning to purchase by January but oh well, i had enough so i can actually get a very low interest loan.
My brother just got Married to a wonderful girl. At first i didn't really like her nor did i particularly hated her either, she was just there.Then she just grew on me, and i love the way my brother and her are together. It solidifies the notion that can love exist between a couple. They were married on their eighth year anniversary at the Riviera in Massapequa. The place was decorated with a beach theme, all the tables were named after a different Long Island beach and as a center piece was a fish bowl with a beta swiming and enjoying the party. How i love those fish.For the cocktail hour they hired a regae band to play which set the mood for the night.. My brother kept it a secret from everybody about thier wedding song being "Is this Love" by Bob Marley. Deffinately an original choice of a song; it was cute watching them dance to it.
Most of the guest have gotten rooms at the Huntington Hilton as well as myself. Around 3A.M, i wake up with this sharp pain shooting out of my left eye. It fucking hurt so bad i ran out of the room in my underwear still drunk but now just really angry and in pain. I was on the mission to find some drugs. I go down to the lobby covering my eye because the throbbing pain felt like the eye itself was going to burst out of my skull, i ask the receptionist behind the counter where they sell aspirin. He just looks at the hot mess that was me and magically slides three individually packs of Tylenol across the counter. In the excitement of the future relief i wanted o say Thank You, but its most likely sounded more like YAHHARRRRR!!
Next wedding I'm in, I'll be sure to bring a big ol' bottle of Advil.
Next wedding I'm in, I'll be sure to bring a big ol' bottle of Advil.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Memorial Day
Today is a day of relaxing and really doing nothing and i couldn't be happier. My little cousin asked me if it was in fact Memorial day today, i assured her it was and proceeded to tell her the significance of the holiday by saying it was day we take off from work/school to remember the last of the unicorns. Her being unsure of my explanation and considering i just maybe lying to her, i then solidified my point by asking if she ever seen a unicorn. When she answered with the obvious "no" i simply told her "see what i mean, now why don't you take some time out in a quite place and ponder on that thought"
I love fucking with little childrens view on reality.
I love fucking with little childrens view on reality.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
And i'm back.
It has been awhile since i been here, like it matters anyways. Usually when i tell people that i have a blog the conversation goes as is:
"You have a blog?"
"Yeah man, its"
"BUKOWSKI!" Charles bukowski, he was a poet, a writer and renown drunk of L.A?
"So...he's like a writer?"
" is it like bukake?"
So here i am just writing just to write to myself, and i couldn't really be any happier. I need to practice regardless. Plus, i spell like a gorilla and need to actually work on that.
Lately i have been sick ever since i came back from New Orleans. I blame Karma really. On the returning flight back i was sorta.. kinda.. laughing at the passengers in front of me that were screaming during a little turbulence from the decent to land in Lagurdia. So fuck me in the gonads for laughing, i like the turbulance. I like the feeling of the danger aproaching an almost certain death. Honestly, i almost screamed WHOOO!! HOOO!! that shit is fun to me. It was mean being amused by other peoples fears and i truely belive karma is paying me back by giving me a Upper respitory infection for it. So, were even karma ya hear me!! I am sorry.
"You have a blog?"
"Yeah man, its"
"BUKOWSKI!" Charles bukowski, he was a poet, a writer and renown drunk of L.A?
"So...he's like a writer?"
" is it like bukake?"
So here i am just writing just to write to myself, and i couldn't really be any happier. I need to practice regardless. Plus, i spell like a gorilla and need to actually work on that.
Lately i have been sick ever since i came back from New Orleans. I blame Karma really. On the returning flight back i was sorta.. kinda.. laughing at the passengers in front of me that were screaming during a little turbulence from the decent to land in Lagurdia. So fuck me in the gonads for laughing, i like the turbulance. I like the feeling of the danger aproaching an almost certain death. Honestly, i almost screamed WHOOO!! HOOO!! that shit is fun to me. It was mean being amused by other peoples fears and i truely belive karma is paying me back by giving me a Upper respitory infection for it. So, were even karma ya hear me!! I am sorry.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Life Thus Far
I'm still here just been a little busy with everything. I will blog more as soon as can find the proper amount of time to compile all the material i have for this. Maybe tomorrow.
So don't worry all the people who read this. All one of you that is......I think.
So don't worry all the people who read this. All one of you that is......I think.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
GO GIANTS!!!!!!!!
They fucking did it!! BIG BLUE bitches! 3 days past the superbowl and it still feels good. How good? Its like fucking Marilyn Monroe without a condom GOOOOOOD!!! HA!HA!HA!HA!HA!
Just to see the The New England fans with thier "What the Fuck just happend?"look on their faces was priceless. First of all,they jinx themselves Trademarking 19-0 days before the big game. Second, when the giants won the playoffs the spread was already 12 in favor of New England. Really!?! 12 They just fucking won the Playoffs! All through the season nobody believed in them except the fans. All sports analysts and most commentators before the game would always pick the opposing team. Always the underdog.
The Story book ending of a Perfect season was never meant to be. HA! 18 and 1, I LOVE THAT FUCKING 1!!! The one that counted, the one most wanted, the one where it really mattered belongs to NY GIANTS! HA!HA!HA!HA!HA!HA!HA!HA!HA!my sides, my sides.
I hope on the way back fro m Arizona they stoped by Boston and give a big F.U. from New York too.
Just to see the The New England fans with thier "What the Fuck just happend?"look on their faces was priceless. First of all,they jinx themselves Trademarking 19-0 days before the big game. Second, when the giants won the playoffs the spread was already 12 in favor of New England. Really!?! 12 They just fucking won the Playoffs! All through the season nobody believed in them except the fans. All sports analysts and most commentators before the game would always pick the opposing team. Always the underdog.
The Story book ending of a Perfect season was never meant to be. HA! 18 and 1, I LOVE THAT FUCKING 1!!! The one that counted, the one most wanted, the one where it really mattered belongs to NY GIANTS! HA!HA!HA!HA!HA!HA!HA!HA!HA!my sides, my sides.
I hope on the way back fro m Arizona they stoped by Boston and give a big F.U. from New York too.
ski trip weeeeee!
The Ski trip was fun, as was expected and I am happy to announce that we have New Champions of the 2008 Pocono’s Beer-pong Tournament!!!
Congratulations to Jon Tsavos & Bong Aguila!!
Not to toot my own horn or anything but Vanessa and I DID go into the finals to only loose to the new champs. Oh well, you know what they say about 2nd place, they are the first to loose. I suck again.
I watched the Giants won against Green Bay at the Ski house on Sunday. It was way too cold to go skiing that day; I believe it was 5 degrees out and with a frostbite advisory at the lifts, which basically means that no skin exposure is allowed at any point in time on the mountain. There was no fucking way I was going out that day, I did that once the first Ski trip only to have my balls frozen solid for the duration of the trip. Not good.
Congratulations to Jon Tsavos & Bong Aguila!!
Not to toot my own horn or anything but Vanessa and I DID go into the finals to only loose to the new champs. Oh well, you know what they say about 2nd place, they are the first to loose. I suck again.
I watched the Giants won against Green Bay at the Ski house on Sunday. It was way too cold to go skiing that day; I believe it was 5 degrees out and with a frostbite advisory at the lifts, which basically means that no skin exposure is allowed at any point in time on the mountain. There was no fucking way I was going out that day, I did that once the first Ski trip only to have my balls frozen solid for the duration of the trip. Not good.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Annual Ski Trip.
This Friday is our 3rd Annual Ski trip for my friends and i . I wish i could say i was exited about it but honestly i just don't feel anything for it. No anxiety, No wishful thinking about the snow conditions, not anything really. Its weird, maybe because i have been working for over ten days straight and unable to get out of my work mindset. Therefore preventing me to looking forward of an upcoming mini-vacation. I 'm not sure what it is but i have to remember to bring some linens and get some travel size toiletries later, yea that should be exciting.
Don't get me wrong, i really do like the ski trip and i hope we continue this for many years to come. in the past few trips was such a great time and i am sure this one will be no exception. One tradition we have is that we hold a Beer-pong tournament on one of the nights. The winner basically has bragging rights until the next Ski trip. Pelettire and Frankie has won the past few years and they do not at all try to be humble about it. I swear, if i hear them call each other "Champ" every time they see each other, I'm going to cup a fart and throw it in both their mouths every time they say it, I don't think i could take another year of that bullshit.
Don't get me wrong, i really do like the ski trip and i hope we continue this for many years to come. in the past few trips was such a great time and i am sure this one will be no exception. One tradition we have is that we hold a Beer-pong tournament on one of the nights. The winner basically has bragging rights until the next Ski trip. Pelettire and Frankie has won the past few years and they do not at all try to be humble about it. I swear, if i hear them call each other "Champ" every time they see each other, I'm going to cup a fart and throw it in both their mouths every time they say it, I don't think i could take another year of that bullshit.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
This past weekend went pretty well, I met up with Kristen on Sunday. We try to see each other when we can, but most of the time having conflicting schedules when we can finally get together its months apart. Its unfortunate, but it is better than nothing.
We went out to shop at the new Bargains Book store in Centereech which was surprisingly nice. The other Bargain Books in Medford was a frigging horror show, basically random books thrown every which way any where they could fit on a shelf. The beauty of that mess was that you could just spend hours wandering any aisle and find some hidden treasures. I once found this really excellent rendition of "The Art of War" for only a dollar.
The layout of the Centereech store has a Borders feel to it. Very organized, but the selection wasn't that great. I did manage to find "Gonzo" the biography of Hunter S. Thompson the hard cover edition which was a definite score, other book stores had it sold out the day it came out.
I recommended "The Time Travellers Wife" to Kristen to read, I'm not really into Chick-Lit but this one was recommended by a friend of mine and I'm not going to lie, it was a really fun read and it was a compelling love story that would leave you beside yourself with emotions like a smacked toddler. I hope she enjoys it.
After the book store Kristen treated me out to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner, there we caught up on each others lives and exchange a few gossip tales of our mutual friends. She then invited me to see a live taping of The daily Show on Monday which i was more than happy to accompany her.
Monday came and it was unseasonably warm which made the trip out to Manhattan real pleasant. This time of the year, after all the Holiday hoopla and most of the tourist have travelled back to their ass backwards hillbilly mid-western lives, its a little bearable walking around the streets during the beginning of the work week.
The Daily Show studio is located on 51st between 10th and 11th. Frankie met us out there for the show after his interview. I really wanted him to grow out a unemployed beard till he had a legit job but he's a party pooper. His company was well appreciated with Kristen and i and we basically bullshitted the whole time we were on line. For future reference, you don't really have to get there early like they say you have to. No matter where you sit inside the studio is a good seat. I was surprised to know that the audience is only about a hundred people and that by the producers desk, which was a basically a eight foot picnic table with a few T.V screens and laptops , they also had a "Uncle Johns Bathroom reader 2004 edition". John Stewart came out to address the audience and talked about how they wanted to give their writers on the show the same deal that Letterman gave to his writers, but had some difficulty with the higher-ups. He also explained that they were not taking the situation lightly. I thought that was a honorable thing to do for the rest of his staff even though throughout the show he was ridiculing the strike itself. It is a retarded standoff really, i mean in long run just give credit where credit is due, whatever form of media it may be if there is money to be paid, all creative team members need to get a little piece of the action. But i will write about that some other time.
All in all i had a great time. Kristen is by far the best date i had this year, i hope i see her soon.
We went out to shop at the new Bargains Book store in Centereech which was surprisingly nice. The other Bargain Books in Medford was a frigging horror show, basically random books thrown every which way any where they could fit on a shelf. The beauty of that mess was that you could just spend hours wandering any aisle and find some hidden treasures. I once found this really excellent rendition of "The Art of War" for only a dollar.
The layout of the Centereech store has a Borders feel to it. Very organized, but the selection wasn't that great. I did manage to find "Gonzo" the biography of Hunter S. Thompson the hard cover edition which was a definite score, other book stores had it sold out the day it came out.
I recommended "The Time Travellers Wife" to Kristen to read, I'm not really into Chick-Lit but this one was recommended by a friend of mine and I'm not going to lie, it was a really fun read and it was a compelling love story that would leave you beside yourself with emotions like a smacked toddler. I hope she enjoys it.
After the book store Kristen treated me out to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner, there we caught up on each others lives and exchange a few gossip tales of our mutual friends. She then invited me to see a live taping of The daily Show on Monday which i was more than happy to accompany her.
Monday came and it was unseasonably warm which made the trip out to Manhattan real pleasant. This time of the year, after all the Holiday hoopla and most of the tourist have travelled back to their ass backwards hillbilly mid-western lives, its a little bearable walking around the streets during the beginning of the work week.
The Daily Show studio is located on 51st between 10th and 11th. Frankie met us out there for the show after his interview. I really wanted him to grow out a unemployed beard till he had a legit job but he's a party pooper. His company was well appreciated with Kristen and i and we basically bullshitted the whole time we were on line. For future reference, you don't really have to get there early like they say you have to. No matter where you sit inside the studio is a good seat. I was surprised to know that the audience is only about a hundred people and that by the producers desk, which was a basically a eight foot picnic table with a few T.V screens and laptops , they also had a "Uncle Johns Bathroom reader 2004 edition". John Stewart came out to address the audience and talked about how they wanted to give their writers on the show the same deal that Letterman gave to his writers, but had some difficulty with the higher-ups. He also explained that they were not taking the situation lightly. I thought that was a honorable thing to do for the rest of his staff even though throughout the show he was ridiculing the strike itself. It is a retarded standoff really, i mean in long run just give credit where credit is due, whatever form of media it may be if there is money to be paid, all creative team members need to get a little piece of the action. But i will write about that some other time.
All in all i had a great time. Kristen is by far the best date i had this year, i hope i see her soon.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
A New Year
New Years went well, had a great time at Tsalvos’s house. There was large variety of alcohol there and yet I only stuck with scotch and vodka, well mostly those two. I also drank some whiskey a few beers a couple of Jager bombs and the holiday punch. Suffice to say I puked in the morning.
Erin gave me a very nice gift, a bottle of jack and a framed photo of us she took on her last birthday. She definitely put allot of effort into it I must say and was very thoughtful, I do not have many pictures of my family or friends so I really do need more and I think I left my camera at the house. I have to remember to bring her gift home from work. I got her the 1st season of 30 Rock and I hope she falls in love with show as I did. Oh! If you’re reading this Erin before I give it to you just act surprised when you get it.
My New Years Resolutions:
Quit smoking. I believe over ten years of smoking was good run and it’s about time I’d quit the Devil’s candy. If I go on smoking the way I am I can just picture myself in the next few years acting surprised when the doctor tells me I have cancer.
Take more pictures. I recently bought a pretty cool digital camera, and I’m just going to start to bring it around with me everywhere I go.
Go skydiving this spring/summer
Buy a new car.
Actually try and date again. I took some time off, well I took ALLOT of time off but now I think I’m ready to go at it again.
Lets see if actually keep those resolutions, most likely 3 out of 5 I’ll definitely do.
Erin gave me a very nice gift, a bottle of jack and a framed photo of us she took on her last birthday. She definitely put allot of effort into it I must say and was very thoughtful, I do not have many pictures of my family or friends so I really do need more and I think I left my camera at the house. I have to remember to bring her gift home from work. I got her the 1st season of 30 Rock and I hope she falls in love with show as I did. Oh! If you’re reading this Erin before I give it to you just act surprised when you get it.
My New Years Resolutions:
Quit smoking. I believe over ten years of smoking was good run and it’s about time I’d quit the Devil’s candy. If I go on smoking the way I am I can just picture myself in the next few years acting surprised when the doctor tells me I have cancer.
Take more pictures. I recently bought a pretty cool digital camera, and I’m just going to start to bring it around with me everywhere I go.
Go skydiving this spring/summer
Buy a new car.
Actually try and date again. I took some time off, well I took ALLOT of time off but now I think I’m ready to go at it again.
Lets see if actually keep those resolutions, most likely 3 out of 5 I’ll definitely do.
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